Charity Dog Show

Charity Dog Show

SUNDAY 28th July 2024 10am to 4pm


York City Dog Training Club would like to thank everyone who supported us with prizes and everyone who came along to make this event such a success. 

We are pleased to say that the show raised £1000.00 for Keep Your Pet

Thankyou to all our sponsors

For more details and photos check our Facebook Page

Infection Control

Infection Control

As a club we take the health of our clients their dogs and our trainers and assistants seriously.

We ask all clients to bring water and a bowl for their own dog and not allow their dog to drink from another's bowl.

Please do not bring your dog to class if it is unwell.

The York City Dog Training Club Committee

New Puppy Class currently enrolling

New Puppy Class currently enrolling

April 29, 2024

£90 - Six week course
Wednesday at 5:15 or 6pm.  

A training course for you and your puppy designed by the Kennel Club to develop a good relationship between Dog and Handler. It incorporates basic commands, socialisation, responsibilities of ownership, advice and tips for all your puppy’s needs plus fun and games.

If you wish to secure a place please contact us now.  

Making man's best friend... a friend indeed!
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Terms & Conditions

Welcome to York City Dog Training Club. We hope you will enjoy training your dog. We aim to provide a safe environment in which you and your dog can learn. To achieve this, we ask you to read and adhere to the following:

  • Responsibility – Handlers are responsible for the control and behaviour of their dogs at all times. Please make sure that you have firm hold of your lead at all times and allow distance between your dog and other handlers and dogs at all times.
  • Although by no means mandatory we advise all owners to get suitable Dog Insurance. Specifically one which includes Public Liability / Third Party Liability.
  • Approaching other dogs – Please do not allow your dog or puppy to approach or interact with other dogs unless directed to do so by your instructor.
  • We have created seating Zones/Stations for you around the hall – please do not allow your dog to stray into / move into another dog’s zone when you are moving around the hall
  • No young person under the age of 18 can train their dog at YCDTC
  • Leads Dogs must be kept on a standard flat lead attached with a clip to a collar or harness at all times unless handlers are asked by an instructor to release them. 
  • Extender leads and Rope slip leads are not suitable for training purposes. Please use a normal clip lead whilst training.
  • All dogs must wear a collar with identity tag attached. Please use a suitable collar, harness, or head collar on which to attach the dog’s lead. We do not allow Check Collars or Prong Collars.
  • Your Instructor may ask you to work with your dog using one of the Club’s Long Line leads. This is to ensure the safety of your dog and others. Any dog deemed unsafe to work on an exercise may be excluded from that exercise at the instructors discretion.
  • Aggressive Dogs Whilst we endeavour to temperament test in advance any new dog coming to YCDTC, some dogs may display aggression issues within a class situation.

    We are not able to retain such dogs in our classes so would provide you with an assessment and advice for suitable alternatives. This is for the safety of our clients and instructors.

    Temperament tests do not normally apply to dogs in puppy classes but we reserve the right to temperament test any dog or puppy prior to accepting them onto a course.

  • Please advise us in advance of any issues or problems you may have with your dog. For example excessive barking.
  • Please wear suitable clothing and Footwear. 


Please ensure your dog has an up-to-date vaccination certificate.

(Although it is not mandatory we would strongly advise all dogs have  Kennel Cough Vaccination)

Vaccination Status will be checked on week one of your course.

Identification Discs

The Law and The Kennel Club state that dogs must wear an identification tag attached to the collar.   These tags must state the following:

Owner’s name,
House number or name and street name,
Post code
Telephone number. (Ideally mobile number)


In England all dogs over eight weeks’ old must be microchipped and registered with their keeper’s contact details. All keepers, including breeders, must keep these details up to date.

Dogs new to YCDTC will be scanned to confirm they have a Microchip Number    

Bitches in Season

  • If your dog comes into season in the 3 weeks before or at any time during the course, please advise your instructor immediately. The dog will need to be kept away from club for up to 3 weeks.
  • YCDTC will endeavour to either help you catch up with extra training, or you may need to attend a new course at a pro rata rate.
  • If your bitch comes into season on a test week (week nine) we will arrange a mutually convenient time to test your dog.

 Kennel Cough and Other Illnesses

  • If your dog is diagnosed with Kennel Cough, please do not bring him/her to the Club until 2 weeks after the last cough.


If your dog has recently had an operation.   Do not bring him/her to club until 2 weeks after the operation or until your vet has advised you it is okay for your dog to be exercised normally.

Do not bring your dog to the Club

  • if it Is coughing
  • if it is showing signs of sickness or diarrhoea
  • if it as any skin condition or any signs of other illnesses.

If your dog misses 2/3 or more classes due to illness YCDTC will endeavour to help you catch up with extra training or (at your Trainers discretion) attend a new course at a reduced rate.

By attending one of our courses you are agreeing to our Terms and Conditions.